Monday, January 12, 2009


Ronaldo "Ronny" Cruz
sunriise 4.3.88 sunset 1.7.09
smh liife iis too short
Tiired Of Cryiin....
Ya Gurl iis Bac...
Bac On That...
Grown And Sexii
iif only he can see how iive grown...
he would have been soo proud to see
how iimma women now....
and now butta carry hiis seed
ii bet thats makiin hiim soo plzed
cause ii member how he always saiid
the day butta agreed to have hiis baby
iis the day hell drop dead....
So sad that iit had to be liiterally..
iimma miiss how u use to beat up the boys
that use to piic on me...
ya laugh iimprinted iinsiide my head
neva heariin iit agaiin iis the part ii dreed...
oo lawd what are we gunna do wiitout u..
all ii can do iis thank god for the tiime
ii had wiit you

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