Friday, January 23, 2009

Sweet Depths Of Love

Like warm waves on a naked body
You touch me in ways I cannot describe,
I am overwhelmed, as my heart speaks louder than my mind
This is where we belong, together, you me and our kisses

Like the taste of a peach on your tongue,
That dissolves with juices flowing
You delight in the sweet wine of me, and drink
With the thirst of a thousand deserts.

I love you more with every breath I take
Every murmer and moan of intense pleasure,
I adore you like a million stars adore the night sky
As you lavish love upon me like chocolate sauce on ice cream.

Draping yourself over me as I melt at the magical touch that is you.
Time bears no meaning when I am enveloped in the warmth of you.
And you, you look deep into my eyes and speak the words I am sure,
A thousand hearts and ears would yearn and ache to hear,
“You love me.”

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